Pele's Prayer: Trees of Life
Prayer transcript from Pastor Owupele Bamson, Nigeria
ILC Worship Night, The Church at Woodbine, Spring 2021
“Unto you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul! I trust in Thee, O let me not be ashamed and let not my enemies triumph over me!
[paraphrase of Psalm 25:1]
Precious Father, recently You have been speaking to me that we are the trees of life. There were two trees—very special trees—in the Garden of Eden. One was the Tree of Life and another was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Father, [when the children of men were kept from going into the Garden and kept from the Tree]… Later the Tree of Life was born in Jerusalem – Jesus Himself! – the Tree of Righteousness!
We are the children of God; we are the children of righteousness; in this, we are the trees of life.
Jesus, you said to Satan, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
So, ministers of the Gospel are those who eat the true Word of God and share the Word of God with many. They are the trees of life.
Today, we have come to enrich ourselves O God:
every single word of prayer
every single word of instruction
every moment of worship in the Word
is the way to gather up enough energy to go back into the world to be trees of life in the lives of people who are depressed, who are oppressed by the Enemy, who are going through financial and emotional challenges, and difficulties of life.
May we be ready to give to those who need help, in the Name of Jesus!
The Bible speaks of You, O God, as a tree, and the birds and animals gather from all over the world to eat from that tree, which is You.
Father, may we be ready as ministers of the Gospel, to saturate ourselves with the Word of the Lord, and when the occasion comes, to give—and we will not be lacking.
We will not be needy.
We will be ready to do what we have been asked to do—to do what we have been called to do.
As ministers of the Gospel. As oracles of God. That is why we are gathered here.
Fill us, O God and King!
Fill us up with Your Life.
Fill us up with the Word of God.
Fill us up with Your anointing from this generation, so that those who need help will find help in us, as ministers of the Gospel in these last days.
Father, look! There is so much bloodshed going on everywhere in this nation.
What shall the ministers of the Gospel do? How can we minister to those are being oppressed every single day?
Gracious Father, help us to become what you have ordained us to be, in these last days.
That your Name may be glorified.
That your Name may be exalted.
That men and women may look up to us as priests of the Kingdom, who shall lack no word!
Help us, Father, in these last days, for we are ministers of your Kingdom. Thank you, precious Father. We give you praise at this hour!
We bow our knees always before you, knowing that in our own power, we can do nothing.
The Bible says, “I am the Vine, and you are the branches. If you abide in Me, and I in you, then you shall bring forth much fruit.” (John 15:5)
Father, make us fruitful in the Kingdom.
In the Name of Jesus, thank you precious Father. We give you praise.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”